The power to conquer the day, every day.
LiNX delivers sustained power throughout driving and additional boost to get your power wheelchair up and over obstacles. Proven reliability and patented control algorithms deliver consistent performance over the lifetime of your power wheelchair, with best-in-class power for controlling seating actuators.
Seamless end-to-end solutions that enhance business intelligence, enable smarter clinical interaction and make it easy for users to interact with personal electronic devices.
Be more productive throughout your business cycles and give your customers better solutions in less time.
Rapidly find the right system combination, responsiveness and feel to bring your designs to life. Choose from a wide selection of standard remotes, or partner with Dynamic to explore custom solutions. A third-party interface allows for customised interfaces, remotes or even actuator modules with development support from expert integration engineers.
Designed and robustly tested to global standards, LiNX is ready for integration, testing and release. A factory programming tool is also available to provide consistent and accurate delivery of features in your manufacturing location.
LiNX has high promotional impact with appealing aesthetics, touch interaction and wireless, graphical programming. Consistent user interface design and common programming toolsets make LiNX easy to train and support during the important launch and rollout phases. Plug’n’Go technology streamlines setup so users can quickly get accurate and reliable control and performance from their mobility device.
Grow & Sustain
LiNX Access programming tools allow easy field upgrades and automatically stay up to date with the latest firmware and software releases. Proven product reliability minimises business disruption and common parts ease stock level holding, forecasting and aftermarket service. MyLiNX tools can integrate with customer support tools to more efficiently service clients and help them get the most out of their chair.
LiNX is the only seamless end-to-end system that can support cost sensitive drive-only wheelchairs through to systems with advanced seating, alternative controls and connectivity. Using a single product system increases productivity throughout design, launch and support of your products.
Touch screen interaction is everywhere. Together with users we made it accessible.
Zero-force touch
Zero force touchscreens benefit users with very low strength, or reduced range of motion or accuracy. Select different interaction styles; choose from Tap or Swipe, set your display for Left- or Right-hand use and activate Glove Mode for use with splints and supports.
Prefer buttons & dials? Enjoy the ease and predictability of the simple drive and seating remotes. LiNX delivers the right balance between tactile feedback and ease of use for buttons, dials, and joysticks. Easily add toggle switches and personalise to suit client needs.
Go touch-free
Not all users can physically interact with their remotes. LiNX lets you go touch-free with a range of menu scanning and specialty control options.
Support multiple wheelchair configurations from just one file and sort the menu of a users’ chair into any order that they like – that’s unique to LiNX!
A function operates a drive, seating or connectivity feature of your chair
A ‘folder’ that can have any mix of drive, seating or connectivity functions. Assemble in any order or theme to suit your style.
Settings that apply to different versions of a chair, for example one configuration for slower motors and a different one for the same chair fitted with high speed motors
Think of your LiNX system like a deck of cards; the full pack of cards is the configuration, the functions are like suites, and a profile is like the hand you are holding.
Impairment or disability can reduce the time and energy users have for activities that are important to them. LiNX precisely fits users’ needs and interaction styles to increase confident participation in full, rewarding lives.
Gift users with precise control in all conditions from slow turns on soft carpet to going full speed on paths. Sensors accurately control seat positioning to give predictable positioning for activity or movement.
Highly configurable touchscreens, tactile location features and Light-Touch joysticks, dials, buttons & toggles ensure optimum usability. When needed, LiNX Access tools give incredible control over programming settings to ensure an advanced clinical fit.